So, I'm back with another experience. :)

This time it's a famous candy, which has been a hot topic among Japanese food lovers.

It's UHA Candy, which many people known for its macha candy product.

Few days ago I bought this one because I heard my friends talking about how delicious this candy is. I bought this in a minimarket for IDR 22,000. It said "processed in Japanese style" (?) LOL. It also has a bar version (IDR 15,000) , which I didn't buy. 

More than anything, it has some flavors. This one is macha (green tea milk). Another two flavors that I see in the minimarket was vanilla and vanilla-choco.

So I bought the big pouch with 23 small candies inside. The candy was green (because it's green tea, hehe). and round. To my surprise, it tastes like Starbucks' green tea latte.  I had to say the candies were worth the price.

However, the aftertaste which is left in your mouth would not be quite pleasurable. So make sure to drink water until the taste is gone. 

And today I bought another variant,. vanilla-choco!

It has different taste. The vanilla taste was so rich, just like the taste you get when you eat a spoonful of full cream milk powder. And you won't taste the chocolate at first. It was only a filling.

However, the chocolate filling is great >w<. It tastes very good. Well, I just hoped they just released the chocolate filling candy, without vanilla. 

That is how the candy look like (after I bit it into half). You can see the filling is a real chocolate, unlike any other candy. Still, the aftertaste of the vanilla -___-.

So, this candy is indeed delicious. You just have to deal with the aftertaste. :)

Rich taste
Nice variants of flavors

sour aftertaste