Haha, a new blog (well, again, for the nth time). And I'm sure no one is going to read this. No no... XD

Well, I just need something to release my feeling. :3 Blog just seems nice, since your blog won't tell you whether they are bored or not. They won't even judge.

Okay, I'll be honest, this is an escape ><. I am quite stress with tons of work I have to do now. Thesis, internship reports, daily papers, job-related assignments... Not to mention all the mental pressure I've got from those things and a bad score for Literary Criticism. It feels like my world is going to end every time... every single time I think about them. Pffhiuuuw~

Somehow I need time to talk to my self, and one of the solutions is this blog. I just need a media so I can spam without disturbing people around me, like my friends who don't want me to disturb them, since they said they wanted to focus on their thesis and stuffs...

Yeah, my self... You're in a terrible state now, aren't you? But let's gather our strength and fight everything! I hate to say this, but we have to limit our self from wasting too much time, right? Should we?

Even this blog is distracting me..... ._.

Until I have more to say, adios bloggie! XD