Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

So, I'm back with another experience. :)

This time it's a famous candy, which has been a hot topic among Japanese food lovers.

It's UHA Candy, which many people known for its macha candy product.

Few days ago I bought this one because I heard my friends talking about how delicious this candy is. I bought this in a minimarket for IDR 22,000. It said "processed in Japanese style" (?) LOL. It also has a bar version (IDR 15,000) , which I didn't buy. 

More than anything, it has some flavors. This one is macha (green tea milk). Another two flavors that I see in the minimarket was vanilla and vanilla-choco.

So I bought the big pouch with 23 small candies inside. The candy was green (because it's green tea, hehe). and round. To my surprise, it tastes like Starbucks' green tea latte.  I had to say the candies were worth the price.

However, the aftertaste which is left in your mouth would not be quite pleasurable. So make sure to drink water until the taste is gone. 

And today I bought another variant,. vanilla-choco!

It has different taste. The vanilla taste was so rich, just like the taste you get when you eat a spoonful of full cream milk powder. And you won't taste the chocolate at first. It was only a filling.

However, the chocolate filling is great >w<. It tastes very good. Well, I just hoped they just released the chocolate filling candy, without vanilla. 

That is how the candy look like (after I bit it into half). You can see the filling is a real chocolate, unlike any other candy. Still, the aftertaste of the vanilla -___-.

So, this candy is indeed delicious. You just have to deal with the aftertaste. :)

Rich taste
Nice variants of flavors

sour aftertaste

Minggu, 15 Desember 2013


After reviewing about places and food, I decided to review about skin care and make-up products too! I know there are sooo many blogs reviewing about make ups and skin care products nowadays, but I hope this blog will be a better blog to be trusted. :)

[NOTE] I am not selling the products or even getting paid to give a review.

BRTC Blemish Recover Balm BB Cream

So I have just bought this one from an online shop. It is a trusted one in my country, with relatively lower price than the other shops. I bought the BB Cream for IDR 208,000, along with the bonus, Green Tea Stem Cell Mask (will be reviewed later).

It has SPF 28, clearly enough for Indonesia's tropical weather and UV exposure. It also claimed to reduce red spots and exfoliate dead skin, which is perfect for sensitive skin. Another claim that made me buy this product is the sebum control.

I have tried Jasmine water BB Cream from BRTC before, and I can say this two have similar shade, yet different sensation.

This one doesn't feel like cream. It is quite sleek, without the 'wet' sensation. I think it proves the feature of sebum control. The only complexion that this cream offers, is quite white and it gives my skin a fresh color. This BB smells like medicine (or Green Tea Oil, that's what people say). The smell is quite strong, and this might not be good for people who does not like the smell. But it's not a big deal for me.

After the application, your skin will look a bit pale. However, give it 5-10 minutes, then the oxidation process will start and it gives you the better shade. The coverage is medium to high. It covers almost all small flaws, like black spots.

The finish result: semi matte. It still have that glowing effect even though it is not sticky like other BB Creams. I used it for about 4 hours (plus compact powder) and it has no sign of break outs. After four hours, it starts to get glowy, but not sticky. 

+ :
- Not sticky
- no break outs
- sebum control
- good coverage
- glowy effect
- good complexion color

- :
- pricey
- medicine smell

Possibility of buying again: Yes!

Rate: 4 / 5

Selasa, 10 Desember 2013

So, my friends and I have this kind of food-travelling plan for each month. We call it "hedonism ritual". Usually we go to fancy restaurants and eat good and tasty food after having a whole month of busy schedules and activities.

Hohoho, today is a hedonism day again! My friends were tagging me to go with them to two fancy dining place at Fairgrounds Jakarta, SCBD Kuningan.

The first place we went was The Goods Diner. I can say this dining place is fancy, with simple modern furniture and also simple menu. Woohoo, for those who loved to enjoy the paradise of that Western-look foreign people and expatriates, this is a right place for you. Yep, there were so many 'bule's eating in The Goods Diner. The staffs were helpful and polite.

 From the menu, I can assume that they serve, mostly, American food, even though they had some fusion of Asian food or even Indonesian food, like Ox Tail Fried Rice.

The most recommended choices here are the burgers. Coffee Rubbed Burger  was the favorite menu among the others. It was quite big from what I see from another table. (stalking mode, haha)

However, I tried another menu. Instead of burger, I ordered sandwich: Meatball Sub. Sub? Maybe it stands for subway because it is a sandwich, with meatballs, tomato sauce, and mozzarella cheese inside. They served this menu along with potato chips, which in my opinion, was a bit too salty. But hey, actually that blended naturally with the sandwich which was quite plain. Even the sauce. Not too sour, not too sweet. The meatball was cooked medium, I guess, since you still can see the juicy pink-ish part if you cut the meatball in a half. Boo-hoo, too bad, maybe because I'm Indonesian, I don't think a plain sandwich and salty chips mix well. So my weapon was.... chili sauce!! Haha

For drinks, they offer some varieties of drinks, from juices, soft drinks, milkshake, smoothies, or some liquor. I chose Pineapple Mint Smoothies. The mixture was unusual, but it tasted quite good. I still can taste some sprinkles of mint leaves. Again, not too sweet, not too sour. I felt more milk than pineapple, not like what I expected when I order it. I was actually expecting it to be a bit sour so it would refresh the taste that the meatball left before. But overall, it wasn't too bad for a drink. 

Aaaanndd, here we go, to the second place! Potato Head Garage! What do you expect when you hear the name? Well, the name reflects a cute small restaurant with simple and modern furniture. I expected something like the Canteen, or e Birra. But IT IS NOT SIMPLE AT ALL!!

When I entered the hall towards the dining area, WOW, it was amazing... The furniture, the decorations.... You will feel like you're travelling back to the Victorian era with those chandeliers, antique lamps, and fancy dining sets. And they also have a bar in the middle of the hall.

Even though the atmosphere was luxurious, the menu was simple. It was printed in a big A3 paper with cute drawings behind.

Because I have just ate at The Goods Diner, I only ordered the desserts and drink here. I ordered a Sweet Potato Caramel for dessert, and as a drink, Watermelon No Hiko.

Sweet Potato Caramel looked like a pudding of sweet potato, served with caramel ice cream, caramel sauce, and some baked almonds to add flavour. The 'pudding' was quite umm, how to say it... bittersweet. The cinnamon taste was strong. And unlike any ordinary caramel sauce, the sauce had a bitter end-taste too. The ice cream was tasty (well, partly because I like ice cream).

Watermelon no Hiko offered you, again, a mint taste. It consists of watermelon juice, lime water, and mint water, with some mints leaves as a garnish. This time, it was quite sweet and sour, and I like this one better.

That's the review for today's hedonism ritual, kkk XD

Senin, 09 Desember 2013

Haha, a new blog (well, again, for the nth time). And I'm sure no one is going to read this. No no... XD

Well, I just need something to release my feeling. :3 Blog just seems nice, since your blog won't tell you whether they are bored or not. They won't even judge.

Okay, I'll be honest, this is an escape ><. I am quite stress with tons of work I have to do now. Thesis, internship reports, daily papers, job-related assignments... Not to mention all the mental pressure I've got from those things and a bad score for Literary Criticism. It feels like my world is going to end every time... every single time I think about them. Pffhiuuuw~

Somehow I need time to talk to my self, and one of the solutions is this blog. I just need a media so I can spam without disturbing people around me, like my friends who don't want me to disturb them, since they said they wanted to focus on their thesis and stuffs...

Yeah, my self... You're in a terrible state now, aren't you? But let's gather our strength and fight everything! I hate to say this, but we have to limit our self from wasting too much time, right? Should we?

Even this blog is distracting me..... ._.

Until I have more to say, adios bloggie! XD