So, here I am, after a hectic, busy activities during January and February. Thesis, Internship Report, work too... But finally I did it.

Oh, February is special because of my birthday too. :) Even though I did not have any celebration, but I think it was a good birthday this year.

February taught me that I could do more things, much more things than what I thought. Thesis, Internship Report, I did them while I was working too. I know it sounds like I forced myself way too much. But here I am, with great results from those things. I succeeded in getting good scores and doing the best at work.

February told me to be more mature too, since I am 21 years old this year. LOL, I'm getting older and older, kkk. It's time to bear more responsibilities. I will see the world from another perspective from now on. I hope I can be wiser.

Anyway, February is like a great sequence of celebrations for me. My birthday, then my thesis defense, and my internship seminar, and also my interview for work. I do think it is a blessed month because I have done all of them well.

I knew that I could not force anything to happen if it was not going to happen. :) So I better be enjoying it. :)